A 2021 Goal Set Into Action

Marketing is all about encouraging and amplifying the actions our clients take to increase their reach and impact. It’s about channeling their genius into the wider world. It’s about delivering the unexpected to excite your audience and reward their loyalty.

A goal that we’ve been working towards over the past few years is finding a way to channel the collective momentum of our clients and our own ambitions into something larger. So we’re stepping into our own a bit with a partnership with One Tree Planted in 2021. We’re still working out the exact details but know that a part of your dollars will go to support reforestation efforts around the world. Because really, who doesn’t benefit from more trees and clean air in this world?

It might seem like a digital business doesn’t generate much waste in the physical world but the opposite is true.

An average website produces 4.61 grams of CO2 for every page view. For websites that have an average of 10,000 page views per month, that makes 553 kilograms of CO2 per year. which may not seem like a lot, until you consider that there are currently well over 1 billion websites live on the Internet as of this writing in 2020. That adds up over time.

Before anyone asks, none of the cost of our sustainability efforts will be passed on to our clients–unless you specify that you’d like an additional donation to be made. We do think it would be pretty cool to see if we could have a “tree-off” battle sometime in 2021 to see which clients could plant the most trees with their investment. But we digress.

In short, every company has the responsibility to do good things with their dollars when they’re successful and that’s the rule we intend to live by with this partnership.

We’ll make sure to keep you posted as we continue on this journey of sustainability and finding ways to hold seats at the tables we think are important for the future of all of our businesses and lives.

For now, thanks for coming along with us. Since we can’t sit down and tell you about this over a coffee, we invite you to grab yourself a drink on us (when it’s gone it’s gone so enjoy it while you can) for reading this far and joining us as we kick off our 2021 goal planning.